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I’ve had my share of pumping trials and tribulations. I’ve breastfed and pumped for 5 kids along the way, and each time was very different. Though each breastfeeding journey was better than the one before, it was never “easy”. Though, a little easier once I found the Kiinde System must-haves for pumping success I’ll share with you here. There are so many reasons why I love the Kiinde Collect, Store & Feed System.

As a working mom, I’ve had to sneak away from my busy schedule to pump for each of my babies. I find a clean, quiet patient room, set up my breast pump, attach my collection bottles and start pumping. 20 minutes goes by as I’m catching up on charts or clearing my e-mail. I detach my bottles and combine the milk when I’m done. I pour one bottle of milk into the other.

When I see that there are still drops of precious milk in the bottle that I just can’t get into the other one, I get so upset. I may have also spilled some milk during the transfer. I have to get back to my busy schedule, but I still have to clean those bottles I just used! When I get home to my baby, that milk still has to be poured into a different bottle that he’ll actually drink from – again another risk of leaving drops of milk behind and spilling some. His bottles, too, need to be washed after he’s done with them. So many steps to this feeding process.

In comes Kiinde.

I was introduced to this system with my last pregnancy, and let me just say that I absolutely love it! I’m all for things that make my life easier, and this system does! If you aren’t familiar with Kiinde, it’s an all-in-one pumping, storing, warming, and feeding system for breastfeeding moms. For one, it was designed by a dad (not a big, detached company) who knew what it was like to bottle feed precious breast milk to a little one. Second, his wife is a physician, so he gets the whole busy working mom, not wanting to waste time or breast milk thing. After using this system, I’m sure you’d see how much absolute sense it makes.

I’ll share with you Why I love the Kiinde Collect, Store & Feed System

(If you’re interested in any of the products on this page, click on the links, and you can use the code PM15OFF on the Kiinde website to get 15% off your purchase!) This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you go through them to make a purchase, I may earn a commission (at no cost to you!). I only link these products because of their quality and my awesome personal experience with them, not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. Rest assured, I will never suggest a product I don’t 100% believe in.

For Starters

To introduce you to the system, Kiinde offers a Free Starter Pack which includes a sample of the items available in the Twist Starter Kit , as well as really good coupons for future purchases. It includes a twist pouch, pump adapters, feeding bottle, nipple with case, a coupon for 40 free twist pouches, and a coupon for 50% off the Breastfeeding Gift Set. This is a huge value!). I highly recommend trying it out! (You just have to pay for shipping).

Breastfeeding Gift Set

The first Kiinde set I received as a gift was the Breastfeeding Gift Set. I love it because it has just about everything you need to get started – products for collection, storage, warming, and feeding breast milk. The Twist starter kit has just about the same items as the Breastfeeding Gift Set, just without the warmer (if you already have one). If you get started with one of these sets, you’ll only need to add more pouches as you go.

Speaking of pouches. I have tried at least a dozen different pouches and containers while breastfeeding and pumping for my 5 children. With that trial and error, I’ve had my share of spilled milk. Either when pouring the milk from one container to the other, or realizing there was a slit in a bag of frozen milk, and the milk leaked out as it was thawing. The Kiinde Twist Pouches are so sturdy – they stand on their own, and I have had ZERO issue with leaking! They also have twist-on caps, unlike the zip-loc closure on other brands which also helps to prevent leaking. You can also do everything from the same container, so you decrease the risk of germs and spilling milk (can you tell I can’t STAND spilled breastmilk!). I highly recommend them! They come as 6oz pouches and 8 oz pouches, for use as the baby grows.

Kozii Warmer

I’m pretty sure the Kozii Travel Warmer is a new product because I haven’t had any experience with it. But, it sounds like a great idea for when you’re on the go. This warmer doesn’t need electricity to work, but keeps water warm so that you can warm bottles when you’re out. I would’ve definitely used it if it was around when my youngest was still using bottles!

The Kozii warmer is by far the best bottle warmer I’ve used (and I’ve used at least 7 that I can count)! This one is for use at home. It’s very easy to explain to babysitters (and grandparents!), warms the milk evenly, and most importantly – quickly! I’ve used other, more expensive, digital warmers in the past that still weren’t nearly as good as this one!

Kiinde Bottles, Nipples, and Adapters

The gift sets come with adapters for different breast pumps so that you can pump directly into the twist pouches. It doesn’t matter what pump you use. And, in case you need more or lose one, Kiinde offers 3 pairs of adapters for a single pump or a multi-pack of adapters for different pumps. This is helpful if you’re like me, who used a different pump for home vs work. These adapters aren’t just helpful for pumping. They can be used to attach a nipple from a different manufacturer to the Kiinde bottle. I’ve had to do this!

The gift sets also include the Twist active latch nipple. But if you want to buy it separately, you can as well. The good thing about these nipples is that they truly simulate breastfeeding. The nipple is shaped like the breast. So it mimics normal breastfeeding. Ideally, this should help to decrease nipple confusion.

Also included in the gift sets is the Twist squeeze bottle. This bottle is really more of a holder for the twist pouches. You just attach a nipple and pouch for feedings and you’re good to go! The Twist squeeze bottle base is also available. It just creates a more sturdy base for the bottles once the pouch is in place.


Although you may have a cooler that comes with your pump, Kiinde also offers the Twist cooler bag. It perfectly holds several filled twist pouches, to keep your milk cool until you can get it back to your baby. I like it because it keeps each pouch in contact with ice, keeping them nice and cool. The Twist keeper is helpful for storage of your twist pouches in the fridge or freezer. It helps to keep them organized by date, and away from other foods. Pretty self explanatory, but Kiinde also offers Twist nipple brushes to help keep bottle nipples clean.

For older babies (6 months+)

Once your little one is ready for solid foods, the Foodii starter kit can be really helpful! I both made and purchased baby food for my youngest. This kit made it easy to transfer purées over to a pouch for my son to use when we were on the go. In my opinion, the Foodii pouches are pretty similar to the twist pouches for breast milk. They have the same benefits I talked about earlier.

I love the Foodii squeeze spoons! They attach to the end of the foodii squeeze pouches. This helped to prevent a lot of mess when I was feeding my youngest. Until the baby figured out hos to use the pouch himself, they were really helpful. Once your little one is ready to use the pouch himself, you can attach the Foodii snack spouts. These make the opening on the end of the pouch smaller and easier for the baby to feed from. This helps to reduce the mess.

The Twist sippy top can be placed on top of the twist pouches once your little one is ready to go from bottle to sippy cup. You use the same twist pouches, just a different top. That way you won’t really need to buy a separate cup. The Twist funnel is perfectly sized for the twist pouch opening. It’s helpful for transferring milk or baby food from one container to another. It just makes it easier, and less likely for you to have to clean up a spill.

Why I Love The Kiinde Collect, Store & Feed System

There you have it! I highly recommend all of these great Kiinde products. I think the best part is that the prices aren’t any higher than other bottles, warmers, nipples, etc out there. There’s so much value in it. Plus, you get the added benefit of convenience by pumping, storing, warming, and feeding all from the same container. This leads to NO MORE SPILLED MILK! There’s also less mess to clean up, less bottles to wash – because who has time for that??? Remember to sign up for your Free Starter Pack and share this with any pregnant or breastfeeding moms you know!

If you’re interested in any of the products on this page, click on the links, and you can use the code PM15OFF on the Kiinde website to get 15% off your purchase!

Have you had any experience with Kiinde products and have anything to add to my list of Why I Love The Kiinde Collect, Store & Feed System, please share your thoughts in the comments below. I’d love to hear them!

Looking for more help?

If you’re experiencing any breastfeeding issues – or if you just want to make sure you’re doing things right – I’d be happy to help. Take a peek at the different types of breastfeeding consultations I offer, and request an appointment when you’re ready. I’m here for you and all your breastfeeding needs!

The post originally appeared on Wifey Mommy Doc, a blog focused on helping working wives and moms find balance in their many roles.

Why I Love The Kiinde Collect, Store & Feed System

Breastfeeding Success Starter Guide

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 75+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to learn the basics and adapt to life while breastfeeding, troubleshoot breastfeeding problems, go back to work while breastfeeding, wean – and so much more!

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