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As a breastfeeding mom, are you starting to feel a bit overwhelmed? Keep reading for tips on taking care of yourself while breastfeeding.

 Let’s face it, breastfeeding isn’t always easy. In fact, I’m sure you can agree that it can be absolutely overwhelming at times! Your body is still recovering from pregnancy, but you’re now responsible for feeding your new little bundle of joy. The thought of this is both exciting and exhausting at the same time. As a mom of five breastfed kids, I know exactly how you feel. I struggled for a while with the demands of breastfeeding and ended up frustrated and stressed more times than I can count. I soon realized that I was ignoring my own needs and had to decide to intentionally prioritize myself. I’m happy to share with you my tips for taking care of yourself while breastfeeding.


Why is it important to take care of yourself while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is physically demanding on your body. While your body is still recovering from pregnancy, it now must continue to provide nourishment for your baby through breastfeeding. Your body will always try to make your breast milk as complete as possible, but it can be at the expense of your own nutrients. It takes a lot of calories and energy to breastfeed, so it’s important to take care of your physical body so that it can do what it needs to do.

Breastfeeding can be emotionally demanding. Breastfeeding allows you to bond with your baby on a deeper level and triggers the release of calming hormones when you nurse. It can be emotionally rewarding. But you may get doubts that creep into your mild while breastfeeding. You may get the feeling that you’re somehow failing, not producing enough, or not having the perfect breastfeeding experience that you envisioned. Breastfeeding struggles can cause you to be stressed and potentially lead to anxiety or depression, complicating an already difficult post-partum period. It’s important to focus on self-care to relieve as many of these emotional stressors as possible.


Ways to take care of yourself while breastfeeding:

Sleep when baby’s sleeping

You may have heard this before. And it may sound very cliché. But it is so true. Taking care of your baby can be exhausting, especially when you’re breastfeeding every hour or two. It is almost impossible to get long stretches of sleep in the early weeks to months. You never know how your night is going to go with your baby. So, be sure to snooze whenever your little one is snoozing to feel as rested as possible.


Eat and drink regularly

Because breastfeeding can be so physically demanding, it’s important to take care of your body. Try your best to eat as balanced as possible, keep taking your prenatal vitamins if recommended by your healthcare provider, and drink enough water so that you aren’t thirsty. I recommend keeping your “breastfeeding stations” around the house stocked with water and snacks as a reminder to eat and drink while you’re nursing.


Don’t forget about hygiene

It’s easy to forget about yourself when you’re wrapped up in breastfeeding your little one on demand. But don’t neglect your basic personal hygiene. Take a regular shower, brush your teeth, get dressed, brush your hair, etc.  It’s amazing how refreshed you feel when you take care of yourself in such basic ways.


Keep your doctor appointments

Again, your physical health is of utmost importance. You must be physically well enough to breastfeed your baby. So, don’t miss your regular visits with your healthcare provider. It’s so important to keep your appointments so that any health concerns can be diagnosed and addressed early. Your health is just as important as your baby’s!


Do something you enjoy 

Find a way to sneak in at least one of your favorite things each day. Again, this can be so refreshing and take you out of the redundancy that may come with breastfeeding and taking care of your baby. Treat yourself with your favorite food or snack. Watch your favorite TV show or Netflix series. Continue a hobby that you love. Anything to remind you of your old self before baby and breastfeeding.


Stay in touch with family and friends

Sometimes you just need to pick up the phone and talk to someone so that they can commiserate with you and help you through your struggles. And sometimes it helps to just have someone you can talk to about anything BUT breastfeeding. You need this for your emotional well-being, trust me!


Ask for help 

Many of the self-care tips I mentioned above are impossible to do alone. Support during breastfeeding can go a long way. Don’t feel bad about asking for help with keeping your house clean, cooking meals, caring for your other children, etc. You can’t bear the burden of all these tasks alone.


Take a break

Yes, you are your baby’s ultimate source of nutrition while breastfeeding, but you don’t have to stay attached every minute of every day. Give yourself some time away from your baby – even if it’s for just 30 minutes a day. Step outside for a minute. Go for a walk. Take a nap. It’s helpful to take a break from the demands of breastfeeding to relax and refresh yourself whenever you need it.


Don’t be so hard on yourself

 Remind yourself that by breastfeeding, you’re offering the very best nutrition that you can to your baby. Plus, you’re setting yourself up for tons of benefits, too. There will be bumps along the way. It won’t be perfect. But, if you’re doing the best you can, don’t beat yourself up. 

Don’t compare yourself to anyone else

It’s easy to see other breastfeeding moms and envy their breastfeeding journeys. Or to see pictures of freezers stocked up with breast milk, when you feel your supply is just keeping up with your little one. But remind yourself that no one’s breastfeeding experience is perfect. You don’t know what everyone else is struggling with. So, don’t compare. Enjoy this time of bonding with your baby and keep your focus there.


Even though breastfeeding can take a lot out of you as a mom, it can still be a positive and rewarding experience. Especially since it comes with so many benefits for both you and your baby. Building these self-care tips into your day can be a game-changer, when you are ultimately less stressed and can really enjoy the journey. Prioritizing yourself and taking care of yourself while breastfeeding is so important for success.  I hope putting these tips into practice will help you to feel a whole lot better at the end of each day.


Other helpful resources related to taking care of yourself while breastfeeding: 

Taking Care of yourself while breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Success Starter Guide

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 75+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to learn the basics and adapt to life while breastfeeding, troubleshoot breastfeeding problems, go back to work while breastfeeding, wean – and so much more!

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