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Breastfeeding is a beautiful way to nourish your baby while building a strong bond. But it isn’t always easy to stay the course with all of the ups and downs that come with it. Setting breastfeeding goals can help you stay motivated, overcome challenges, and have a successful breastfeeding journey. Here are a few practical tips and guidance to keep in mind when setting out to make and achieve your breastfeeding goals. 


Breastfeeding Success Starter Guide

1. Educate Yourself

Start by learning about the benefits of breastfeeding for both you and your baby. The benefits themselves may be your number one driving force to keep going. It’s also important to understand the basics of breastfeeding, such as latching techniques, proper positioning, and common challenges. This knowledge will empower you to make informed choices and set realistic goals. My Breastfeeding Success Toolbox is a great source, packed with just the information you need to get started.


2. Seek Support

Building a support network is crucial. Connect with a lactation consultant, join local breastfeeding support groups, or seek guidance from moms who have breastfed their babies. Surrounding yourself with knowledgeable and supportive people will be invaluable throughout your breastfeeding journey.


3. Set Specific and Realistic Goals

 Define your breastfeeding goals based on your personal circumstances, such as your baby’s age, your work schedule, and your overall lifestyle. Be specific about how long you want to breastfeed, whether you want to exclusively breastfeed, exclusively pump, or do a mixture of both. Setting realistic goals helps you to maintain consistency and reduces unnecessary pressure in the long run.


4. Break Goals into Milestones 

Break down your breastfeeding goals into manageable milestones. For example, if your long-term goal is to breastfeed exclusively for six months, set smaller milestones for the first few weeks or months. Celebrating these milestones will provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue. Be sure to reward yourself along the way!


5. Be Flexible and Adapt 

Remember that breastfeeding is a dynamic process. Be prepared to adapt your goals as your baby’s needs change. Some babies may require more frequent feedings, while others may wean earlier than expected. Being flexible and adjusting your goals accordingly will help you navigate any challenges that may come.


Setting breastfeeding goals provides focus, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment throughout your breastfeeding journey. Educate yourself, seek support, set realistic and specific goals, break them into milestones, celebrate your progress, and remain flexible. Remember, every breastfeeding journey is unique, and what matters most is the health and happiness of both you and your baby.


Breastfeeding Success Starter Guide

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 75+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to learn the basics and adapt to life while breastfeeding, troubleshoot breastfeeding problems, go back to work while breastfeeding, wean – and so much more!

5 tips for setting breastfeeding goals

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