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The past few months has been such a crazy time for pregnant and new moms. There’s so much uncertainty with the COVID-19 pandemic. Plus, a lot of new moms have been left feeling isolated. Friends and family members may not be able to visit them in the hospital. And many visitors haven’t been able to safely travel to visit or help out after the new baby is born. Add to that the worry about breastfeeding, and whether or not your baby is truly safe, should you happen to come down with COVID-19.

There’s still so much that’s still being learned about COVID-19. But, I’ll share with you what we know now, and what the best recommendations are for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding and COVID-19: What do we know?

Should I breastfeed with COVID-19?

If you’re breastfeeding and happen to catch COVID-19, it’s still recommended that you continue breastfeeding! Breastfeeding has so many benefits for you and your baby. And it’s the best nutrition that you can give to your baby during such an uncertain time. There isn’t a ton of data out there on whether COVID-19 is passed through breast milk. But, the data that we do have suggests that it likely isn’t. So, breastfeeding is still preferred over formula if you have COVID-19. Especially since breast milk gives your baby protection from so many other life-threatening illnesses. According to the World Health Organization, “It appears that COVID-19 in infants and children presents a much lower threat to survival and health than other infections that breastfeeding is protective against.”

What precautions do I take while breastfeeding with COVID-19?

Even though COVID-19 is likely not passed through breast milk, if you have the virus, you should still do what you can to make sure the virus isn’t passed on to your baby in other ways. It’s important to wash your hands before touching and feeding your baby – and also before touching pump parts or bottles. Also, wear a mask while feeding and taking care of your baby to prevent the spread. You should also wear a mask while pumping or hand expressing milk for your baby.

Do I have to stay away from my baby if I have COVID-19?

Having COVID-19 does not mean that you have to be completely isolated from your baby. That actually is NOT recommended. The early weeks and months after delivery are so important in establishing breastfeeding and building the bond between you and your baby. This is still possible if you come down with COVID-19. But, you just have to be sure to take the necessary precautions to keep your baby safe.

The risk of passing COVID-19 on to your baby is much lower if it’s been more than 10 days since your symptoms started, and more than 24 hours since your last fever.

It’s best to have a healthy caregiver who can help to care for the baby. They can do the regular baby-care tasks, and leave breastfeeding to you. That way, you’ll minimize your exposure to the baby, and also get the rest you need to recover from COVID-19. This person should be someone who is not at an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 (age 65 or above, and with any chronic medical problem). This caregiver should also wear a mask and practice good hand hygiene to prevent themselves from catching the virus.

The World Health Organization recommendations on the initiation and continued breastfeeding of infants and young children also apply to mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.


The Future of Breastfeeding and COVID-19: What do we know?

We’re more than 7 months into this pandemic, and things are still changing everyday! I recommend staying in close contact with your and you baby’s healthcare provider. Wash your hands, social distance, wear your mask. Do what you can to keep your family safe, to prevent the virus from even entering your home!

And just keep breastfeeding!

Breastfeeding and COVID-19: What do we know?

If you’ve found yourself stuck at home in the midst of the pandemic, and worried about coming out and risking catching the virus – don’t worry, you’re not alone! I’m available for virtual breastfeeding consultations, on a wide range of breastfeeding issues. Or if you just want to make sure that everything’s going OK. You can request an appointment here when you’re ready. I’m here for you and all your breastfeeding needs!

Breastfeeding and COVID-19: What do we know?

Breastfeeding Success Starter Guide

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 75+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to learn the basics and adapt to life while breastfeeding, troubleshoot breastfeeding problems, go back to work while breastfeeding, wean – and so much more!

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