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Breasts were meant for breastfeeding!

Breasts have been so “sexualized” in our society that we tend to forget their true purpose: Breastfeeding! The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby’s life. Then, breastfeeding should continue – along with other foods – for the first year. That’s because there are so many benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby – ranging from emotional, to physical, to practical.

I’ve been lucky enough to breastfeed 5 healthy babies, for up to 13 months each time. My kids now range from 2.5 to 15 years old. I look at how healthy they’ve all been, how intelligent they are, and how little we’ve had to deal with typical childhood illnesses. And I know the benefits of breastfeeding in those early days are still lasting for them.

If you’ve been trying to make a feeding decision, here are a few benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby:

First, what does your baby get out of the deal?

Ideal nutrition

Breast milk is the ideal nutrition for infants. Formula’s made and re-made every year to try to get closer and closer to breast milk. The formula companies will never be able to truly emulate it, so why not give your baby what these companies are trying to copy? Breast milk has everything in it (vitamins, fat, protein) that your baby needs to develop and grow. It’s also very easy to digest since it’s made for their tummies!

A strong immune system

Breast milk contains antibodies that helps your baby build his immune system. This way, he can fight off all types of infections in the early years. It also reduces his risk of asthma, allergies, ear infections, respiratory infections, diarrhea, and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). If your baby is breastfed, he’s also less likely to become overweight long-term. Breastfed babies learn to self-regulate early on, since they have more control over how much they eat from the breast.

Higher IQ

Breastfed babies are also smarter! Studies have shown that their IQ scores in childhood are higher than babies who are formula fed.

What About Mom?

Relaxing hormones

Your body releases the hormones prolactin and oxytocin while you’re breastfeeding. These hormones help you relax and also promote love and attachment. This explains the bond that breastfeeding moms feel with their babies! Now, I’m not saying that formula-feeding moms don’t have this same sense of attachment. But speaking from experience, breastfeeding babies always gave me unique feeling that’s really hard to explain. Being able to provide something that no one else can provide for your baby makes it extra-special!

Pregnancy weight loss

As a breastfeeding mom, your body’s more likely to “bounce back” quicker. Part of that is thanks to the same oxytocin hormone I talked about earlier. Oxytocin helps with breast milk let down. But it also helps your uterus contract back down to its regular size. That means your tummy gets smaller sooner than it would if you weren’t breastfeeding. You’re also burning quite a bit of calories while breastfeeding. So losing that pregnancy weight can happen a lot quicker! I’ve been asked over and over how I lost weight so quickly after pregnancy. And how I can stay so thin after 5 kids. My number one reason is always – Breastfeeding!

Health benefits

Breastfeeding has been shown to decrease rates of breast and ovarian cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease. It can also be a natural form of contraception for the first 6 months. But that’s as long as you’re still breastfeeding day and night. (I warn against solely relying on this because you never know when your fertility will come back!).


Who wants to wake up in the middle of the night to prepare and warm a bottle?! With breastfeeding, you can simply put your baby to breast, feed, and put him right back down to sleep. This saves time, and helps you get in a few extra minutes of sleep. Believe me, those extra minutes add up – especially in the early weeks!

Save money

Breast milk is free! (You can’t beat free). The reality is that formula can be expensive – and average about $1500 for the first year. Of course if you’re breastfeeding, you should still eat a healthy diet (which costs money). But that cost doesn’t compare to the rising costs of formula.

Less to lug around

Breasts are portable! You don’t have to worry about lugging around bottles, coolers, formula or water when you’re out. Breastfeeding also means a lot less bottle-washing – saving you time and energy. All you need is yourself and your baby and you’re good to go!

Breast milk is the ultimate nutrition for your baby. No one can refute that point. It’s still a very personal choice, that truly requires a commitment. I know there are medical and personal reasons where breastfeeding isn’t possible. I get it. It’s not always easy, but there are SO many resources out there to help moms succeed.

I’m one of them!

So, if you’re stuck trying to make the decision to breastfeed or not to breastfeed, consider the huge benefits I mentioned in this post.

You can do this!

Can you think of any other benefits of breastfeeding? I’d love to hear them. Just leave them in the comments below!

Looking for more help?

If you’re currently breastfeeding and experiencing any issues – or if you just want to make sure you’re doing things right – I’d be happy to help. Take a peek at the different types of breastfeeding consultations I offer, and request an appointment when you’re ready. I’m here for you and all your breastfeeding needs!

The post originally appeared on Wifey Mommy Doc, a blog focused on helping working wives and moms find balance in their many roles.

Breastfeeding Success Starter Guide

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 75+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to learn the basics and adapt to life while breastfeeding, troubleshoot breastfeeding problems, go back to work while breastfeeding, wean – and so much more!

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